
We sincerely regret that you have received a damaged item. Your purchase is important to us and we want to ensure that you are satisfied with your products.

Please follow the steps below for assistance:

– Report the damage: Contact our customer service team immediately and provide us with the order number and clear pictures of the damaged item. This will help us to better understand the damage and quickly find a solution.

– Return or replacement: After reviewing your report, we will provide you with instructions for returning the damaged item. We will supply the return label and customs documents for returns from non-EU countries. Depending on availability, we will offer you either a replacement, a repair, or a full refund of the costs incurred.

– Fast processing: We will process the case as quickly as possible to ensure that you receive the desired item in perfect condition or a refund.

We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. Your satisfaction is our top priority.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.